Exercise is proven to aid cancer treatments, so why don’t patients have subsidised access to rehab?
Exercise is proven to aid cancer treatments, so why don't patients have subsidised access to rehab? A really good [...]
We have the program – what now?
We have the program, what now? Development of an implementation plan to bridge the research-practice gap prevalent in exercise [...]
Can exercise adaptations be maintained for men with prostate cancer in the COVID-19 landscape
Can Exercise Adaptations Be Maintained in Men with Prostate Cancer Following Supervised Programmes? Implications to the COVID-19 Landscape of [...]
Prostate cancer survivorship essentials framework: guidelines for practitioners
The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia has released their Prostate cancer survivorship essentials framework: guidelines for practitioners. In this [...]
Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia – Ask the Experts Webcast: Survivorship Essentials
About the Webcast Prostate Cancer Survivorship: The Long Run. For the first time PCFA is bringing together experts from [...]
Protein Supplementation and Resistance Training in Childhood Cancer Survivors
Protein Supplementation and Resistance Training in Childhood Cancer Survivors Supervised (partially) resistance training among childhood cancer survivors with protein [...]